A counterfeit is a copy of an original that is intended to be passed of as an original. Sometimes they are referred to as "reproductions", however whenever reproductions are sold as legitimate they are in fact counterfeits meant to deceive. Through a combination of a buyers' lack of knowledge and crafty sellers, counterfeits or reproductions can be unwittingly purchased as originals. Both lower and higher value items have been counterfeited and even experienced collectors or dealers with knowledge can be deceived by high quality counterfeits.
Sometimes a legitimate item is modified to appear to be more desirable and valuable. Examples of modifications include adding promotional stickers, applying "Not For Sale" or "Sample Copy" stamps or re-shrink wrapping a record - all of which can greatly increase the value of an item.
While the world of Beatles' collectibles is rife with counterfeits and reproductions - counterfeit vinyl, picture sleeves, autographs and merchandise, there are few counterfeit items with a Canadian connection.
Many Canadian 45 RPM were issued in imported US picture sleeves and all of these have been counterfeited. While some counterfeits are accurate reproductions, many have washed out colour, "fuzzy" text, missing the "Made in USA" logo or use improper construction or material.
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Two counterfeit sleeves: Yesterday with washed out colour and Yellow Submarine with incorrect construction. |
The Beatles rare first North American release "My Bonnie" on Decca and credited to Tony Sheridan and the Beat Brothers has been counterfeited. The label is very similar to the Canadian release, but with manufacturing credits around the rim listed as the USA.
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Original Canadian issue |
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Counterfeit |
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Counterfeit or fantasy sleeve that never really existed. |
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A fantasy sleeve for Canada's "Love Me Do" |
The most counterfeited record of all time, Vee Jay's "Introducing the Beatles", was never officially released in Canada, but it was a massive seller in the US with many copies finding their way into the hands of Canadian teens in 1964. It is not uncommon to find original copies and many counterfeit copies in Canadian collections and record stores. Most counterfeit copies of this record are readily distinguished from the originals, although with all the original variations it is easy to be confused.
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Early counterfeit with a brown border the original never had. |
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Poor rainbow graphics and the words "The Beatles" below the center hole confirm a counterfeit. |
Many Beatles' 8 Tracks were illegally produced. Numerous counterfeits appeared on a variety of labels and were readily available at discount stores and even gas stations. One such brand was "Smile" which issued a number of tapes. They were likely made in the U.S. and imported into Canada.
Another noteworthy counterfeited Canadian L.P. is the "Butcher" cover in both mono and stereo versions with and without "Litho In Canada" on the cover. Not counting crude homemade fakes I have come across at least three if not four different quality counterfeits of this L.P. Most are sold as reproductions while occasionally they are presented as originals.
Beatles and solo Beatles autographs obtained in Canada or on Canadian records and memorabilia are difficult to verify and in fact the verification (COA) of only a few recognized experts is worth the paper it is written on. Some experts state that up to 90% of autographs, including the Beatles, are forged. Buyer beware!
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